三維場景實時預覽八猴渲染器軟件 Marmoset Toolbag V4 Win版

三維場景實時預覽八猴渲染器軟件 Marmoset Toolbag V4 Win版

三維場景實時預覽八猴渲染器軟件 Marmoset Toolbag V4 Win版

Marmoset的整個團隊很榮幸地宣佈下一代實時渲染套件的推出:Marmoset Toolbag 4。Toolbag 4具有全新的光線跟蹤引擎,RTX支持,3D紋理工具,可自定義的UI和工作區,RTX加速烘烤以及Marmoset制造的免費資產庫,可以更好地滿足您的渲染和紋理需求。此版本再次拓寬瞭Toolbag的視野,成為每個3D藝術傢的完整渲染和內容創建工具。


Marmoset Toolbag™ is a powerful real-time material editor, renderer, and animation editor bundled in a tidy package. From pre-production to post-production, Toolbag is an essential tool for every 3D artist throughout their development pipeline. Put Toolbag to task as a texture baker, an animation editing suite, a high fidelity viewer for asset sharing and internal reviews, and most of all a rendering suite to showcase your artwork in the best possible light. Or just have fun with it – we think you'll like what you see. HOME – https://marmoset.co/toolbag/



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